Saturday, February 28, 2009

Demo Night At The Whiskey Corral

Blues time with Buck Jimmy
playing the gun
on Travis The Chimp
during the lunchtime sunset
at The Whiskey Corral.
Love to watch the old man 
do his thing.
Every time he puts it down 
it kills.
The master's delivery 
is an urgent package
spray painted on the fuselage 
of the gray whale.
He wants you to get down
in the mouth of the alley
where there's only one thing you can do.
"It's a crazy little thing...
it's called the blues."
Sure thing I'll be there
plugged into the silver face Bassman
playing for scotch eggs, kale and beer.
Jazz on the nod
under the boiler room light bulb.
Buck Jimmy's carrying,
knocking them out them out 
tight, solid, loaded.


Lian said...

... sorry, Scaught.

It's hard to say sorry and I hesitated a lot, but this word has been in my chest for days. ... I was too harsh. Reread it and I see it was actually very compassionate.

I won't forget how the sunshine on you and DanaGirl's face has given me the very nice feeling..., nothing more beautiful than that. The light in her eyes.

Yes, indeed. "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."

Jen Jewel Brown said...

How about fresh pancakes and maple syrup? What about watching Nirvana clips? Orgasms - mutual orgasms? Jesus the happinesses are hard to count.

Jen Jewel Brown said...

Also MULTIPLE orgasms. Don't forget multiple orgasms.

ScaughtFive said...

Great Googly Moogly!!