Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pete and Ray

Fuck it, people.

Your friend and humble narrator
can only go so far down
and give you the play by play.
Yes, one day
we're gonna play this out
to overtime-
sudden death,
if you will.
Right now though
I'm watching two cats
go ape-shit nuts
as I walk through the door
after a day of getting horse whipped.
The little fuckers are absolutely charming.
They yowl, bolt and squirm.
All my cherished bookshelf bits
are broken by these little bastards,
but do I want to tandoori these two?
They and my DanaGirl (who conned me into this)
are my heroin.
They are sweet relief.
They are my trying to get away
from everything.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Pete is actually playing fetch with me right now. They get cuter by the day, I swear!