Friday, January 16, 2009

Two and Two and Two

Come on babygirl of mine
let's go tromping
through the mud
glistening cold in night black fog,
singing a children's song,
smiling our best dog smiles,
out to the swings and slides
tucked in behind The Good Shepherd.
I'll keep out the cold
because I love you.
Come on, you hounds
gallop over the rain matted grass
the world full of leaf rot and runoff grime
is your racetrack.
Wear it thick and dirty
shake it off in mud corona cloud bursts,
action painting our faces
seething wet with tiny flecks.
We won't stop laughing
because we love you.
Come on children
tell me your small tales.
Show me what the trees
and rocks of Wallingford are really made of.
Map out your philosophy
in verses so easy and true.
I'll always listen patiently
quietly praying for happiness
for the both of you.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Well, when you put it that way, of course I'll go!