Saturday, August 30, 2008
...And The Law Won.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
You're All Wet
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Slow Learner
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Great Pacific Northern
While The World Is Working
Monday, August 25, 2008
This One
Govt. Mule
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Things People Have Said
You Think That You Can Front When Revelation Comes?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
...don't come near it.
Rolling down the hill I'm snowballing getting bigger
An explosion in the chamber the hammer from the trigger
I seen him get stabbed I watched the blood spill out
He had more cuts than my man Chuck Chillout
24 is my age and 22 is my gauge
I'm writing rhymes on a page I'm goin' off in a rage
Cause I'm out on a mission a stolen car mission
Had a small problem with the transmission
3 on the train in the middle of the night
I have this steak on my head cause I got into a fist fight
Life comes in phases take the good with the bad
You bought the coins on the street holmes... and you know you got had
Because it's all high spirit you know you gotta' hear it
Don't touch the mic baby don't come near it
It's gonna get you it's gonna get you
It's gonna get you girl it's gonna get you
Lookin' down the barrel of a gun
Son of a gun son of a bitch
Getting paid getting rich
Ultra violence be running through my head
Cole Madenia y'all makin' me see red
Rapid fire Louie like Rambo got bullets
I'ma' die harder like my kid Bruce Willis
I love girlies waxin' and milkin'
Cordniating chimp is my man Dave Scilken (Smokie)
Predetermined destiny is who I am
You got your finger on the trigger like the Son of Sam I am
Like Clockwork Orange goin' off on the town
I've got homeboys bonanza to beat your ass down
Well I'm mad at my desk and I'd be writing all curse words
Expressing my aggressions through my schizophrenic verse words
You're a headless chicken chasin' a sucker free basin
You're looking for a fist to put your face in
Well get hip get hip don't slip you knuckle heads
Racism is schism on a serious tip
Friday, August 22, 2008
Symptomatic Nerve Gas Burlesque
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Plowshared Shields
The white faced aldermen
from the new school of Hellas
will shield your children
from strange tribes
of other children
with guns
that shoot knives.
They will make sure
you can sleep
like you're on vacation
chains of locked fingers
ringed around your neighbor's
They promise your freedom
is eternal
and your right to want,
and your right to have,
is immutable.
The dividend of peace
conjures bellicose daydreams
of omniscience.
A ribbon is being stretched
in your name
around a watchful bruin
through the fields
of its estranged satellites.
An old familiar knot
is gordian
and grimly forming.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Exeunt The Idiot
Bullrush Blossom
I'm just trying
to find a narrow way
between the gold bubbles
and the technology rushes.
Just like
when I was a boy
and not yet medieval,
and not yet obsolete.
I walked from our home
to the fence by the freeway
looking for a small space
to squeeze past
and make my way
to the shoulder
where the narrowleaf cattail
swayed in the traffic's wake.
All I wanted
was a blossom from the stalk,
to hold,
to have for my own.
But to let anyone know
what I had gained
would reveal where I had been
shed the ever curious light
of authority
on meandering motives,
on wondered wanderings.
I never told a soul
until now.
I kept the blossom hid
just for me
in the child's shoebox
under the bedroom windowsill.
It never comes easy.
The world seems like
a panoply of distraction
and the pendulum clock
ever swings the minutes
away and gone.
Like that bullrush
the real doesn't
beg affirmation from
silicon ghosts.
It sits
outside of reach,
often overlooked
and waiting
for someone who can find
that slender path
through the fences
and the roar of traffic.
I'm searching.
I still
wander and wonder.
This time though,
I think I'll share
the soft caress
of the bullrush blossom
that sways patiently
in the forgotten median
while the world
dashes by.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Something Else
Monday, August 18, 2008
Full Moon Freakout
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Long Acre Mile
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Great Game
Monday, August 11, 2008
Chanting Your Return
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pretty Vacant
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Mortification Of A Haircut
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Our Everything
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
You Are The Problem
It's your rules.
Monday, August 4, 2008
I Killed The Devil

had so much fun
as there was
fun to be had
plugged in
and feeding back
at the end of the ramp
by the sheet metal mill.
We test puppets
in the whiskey bar
with twenty two strings
and propinquity.
Punch and Judy,
James and Jimmy,
and Scaught Five
doing Walker, Riddley.
"Puncha, Puncha Puncha"
in stoned swazzle
and then,
"Huzzah, Huzzah!
I killed the Devil."
Just for tonight, anyway.
I walk off the set
with the guitar
and The Girl.
I never had
so much fun.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Kelly's On Third
First of the month.
Come on in.
Kelly's on Third
is hoppin'
at 7:21 a.m.
The drunk checks
line up
to be cashed
by aborted
the rosicrucian queen
does his best
Veronica Lake
and pulls
on a menthol
and pulls on
a filthy john
in garbage
rusted rags,
a captain's hat
and yellowed beard.
Just inside the door,
sunlight banished
the construction paper
cut outs dissolve
the pointless remainder
of themselves
in Old Milwaukee
and urine.
I am a spectator
safe behind transit glass
touring the lower intestine
of the jaundiced town.
The dead part of me
cinemascopes this corner
and in little ways
this recklessness.
The lure of failure
is laced with renunciation
for this life,
for this country,
for love,
for money,
for possibility.
The lure of failure
promises wine and cakes
on cigarette butt streetcorners
at 6:30 a.m.
until the lost vessel
slips under the wave.