Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ain't It Fun?

Last night

i was hunted down

in my sleep 

by the governor’s 



they looked 

and spoke

like the 

T-Bird chorus


the auto shop scene

in the movie


P -hips and I 

were cracking wise

in the Pioneer 

log cabin



that the chief lawmaker

was sitting 

a row down

and three to the right.

When she said

“take them out”

I didn’t think she meant

Brown Shirt style

until they smashed

P-hips’ pate 


a Jack-o-lantern


I jumped in 

the unlocked hook

and ladder

and legged it

down Ninety-Nine

heading for 

away from there.

They had that 

loud garbage truck

from my previous nightmares

covered in stygian grime

packed with dead souls

and a V-12 

from a Junkers 88.

They forced me into

oncoming traffic

and I saw 

scores of drivers

watch their life

flash before my eyes.

The T-Bird Garbage men

mocked me

on Citzen’s Band

and bands of policeman

blocked the road ahead.

They dumped dish soap

all over the asphalt

and my wheels 

no longer gained purchase.

Right at that moment

I jumped out of the cab

thinking about 

going out swinging

Only to find myself

staring at a slot car 

fire truck 

floating in soap suds.

Standing next to me

is a pomade ‘do

in leather 

saying “Ain’t it Fun?”

Ain't it Fun? 

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