Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wallingford Wurst Festival

Holy Mary 
Mother of God
slinging bratsmoke
and sauerkraut
to the brass-blat strains 
of The Seattle Civic Band
in the glare 
of the Wallingford Sun.
St. Bernard Parish 
is at its wurst.
Teenage girls 
rush the red flagged crosswalk
flamingo legged 
and shrieking
at the sight of 
cow-licked skateboard boys
from double catamaran runs.
They are received with 
stage strut hugs
and leis of shiny beads
underneath the approving wink
of evening christmas lights.
The bowels of 
the brick and mortar 
catholic school leviathan
open and reveal
a timeless auditorium
populated with tables
of ruddy faced parents
authoring landslides of laughter
in florescent light.
This time could be every time.
Older new student parents
weave through the peopled room
lugging Fender amps 
and Tama Rockstar drums
to the elementary stage.
The annual reunion 
will be baptized 
in St. Benedict lager
and raffle ticket confetti.
I take in the beer 
and I take in 
the wonder of shared joy
right down the street
mere steps away 
from my front door.

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