Sunday, September 21, 2008

Freedom to Fail

Welcome back
the boom's bust
reach for the sky.
The bourgeois highwaymen
mounted up 
and rode disorder
riot through 
the leveraged streets
with a balance sheet.
They put a gun
in the mouth of mayor
and purloined absolution.
See shell games 
and see shells whistle
at the front 
where capital 
goes over the top
in fixed bayonet assault
at labor.
Compounded interests
withered the holdings
and held out 
the collection plate.
The state 
breaks like a wave
and brings tides 
of liquidity 
to the shores 
of these trusts.
Crises of consumption
and speculation
and absurdity
are capitalism's comet.
Marketed freedom 
and the apocrypha 
of private property
brings with it
the freedom to fail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only the individual--the public--has the freedom to fail, methinks. If you're part of the private sector (a large corporation perhaps), hey, no worries, the government will save you. Save the ship and let the people drown. That's the American way!

(reminds me: I had a dream of battle ships this morning. We were about to get our asses bombed. hmmmmm. Might be feeling the influences of that HIST class I'm transcribing for.)