Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mildred Corrie

Mildred Corrie

I saw you yesterday
in a cherry blossom petal
spinning from the branch
to the sidewalk.
They shaved off all of your
beautiful white hair
when I came to say goodbye.
You wouldn't let them 
take out your false teeth
and I never loved you more.
In the last hours and minutes
we were alone.
I did the only thing 
I knew how to do.
I sang to you
and held your disappearing hand.
Then I realized you were there 
in the tiny claws of the 
baby robin I buried 
in the backyard 
of the house on 86th Avenue, NE.
in 1976.
Mildred Corrie.
I will see you again and again
in the veins of a bumblebee's wings
or in the flaking paint of the front porch steps.
You will always be 
beautiful and strong.


Anonymous said...
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ScaughtFive said...

I do believe so. It does make my head spin 'round and my heart hiccup!